Dr. Semuhi Sinanoglu

Other publications

(2024) Countering Information Pollution to Protect Democracy. Bonn: German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) (29/2024).

(2021) A Time of Crisis and Opportunity: Digitizing SMEs in Turkey. Istanbul: Turkish Enterprise and Business Confederation & CIPE (November).

(2021) COVID Impact Assessment Report. Istanbul: Turkish Enterprise and Business Confederation & CIPE (May).

(2021) Otoriter Rejimlerde Bürokrasi: Sadık mı Layık mı? [Bureaucracy under Authoritarianism: Loyal or Competent?] Daktilo1984, February 15.

(2019) We need a new conservative party in Turkey for regime transition. The Jerusalem Post, March 31.

(2018) Building a policy school that has real social impact. Policy Options, November 28.

(2018) Memlekete Dönmek [Returning Home]. Birikim, November 12.

(2018) Socially Inclusive Fourth Industrial Revolution: Fostering Youth Employment in the Middle East and North Africa. In Realizing Youth Potential in the Mediterranean: Unlocking Opportunities, Overcoming Challenges, edited by Lorenzo Kamel & Asli Selin Okyay: 101‑12. Rome: IAI Research Studies.

(2018) Akıllı Şehirler ve Çağımızın Hastalığı Teknolojizm [Smart cities and technologism as the curse of our age].” Civil Pages, April 19.

(2018) Gençlerin sesini dinlemek [Hearing Youth’s Voices]. Civil Pages, January 2.

(2017) Kanada Masalı [The Tale of Canada]. Civil Pages, November 1.

(2017) Death & politics: the burial of a Kurdish woman in Turkey. openDemocracy, October 4.

(2017) Derneğe Ev Yok [No Home for Associations]. Civil Pages, August 1.

(2017) Review of Steven Cook’s False Dawn: Protest, Democracy, and Violence in the Middle East. Turkish Policy Quarterly (Summer): 107‑11.

(2017) Parti Ebed Müddet: Bir Siyaset Teknolojisi Olarak Yeni Osmanlıcı TRT Dizileri [The Eternal Party: New Ottomanist TV Series as a Political Technology]. Birikim, March 30.

(2016) 5 disturbing facts about living under occupation. Middle East Monitor, August 22.

(2016) Tackling the Syrian Refugee Crisis: Prospects & Challenges. Turkish Policy Quarterly (Spring): 123‑30 (with E. Arslan & I. Taner).

(2015) Improving Basic Services Delivery for the Poor in the OIC Member Countries. Contributions through Development Analytics. Ankara: COMCEC.

(2014) Supply and Demand for Child Care Services in Turkey. Contributions through Development Analytics. Washington, DC: World Bank.

(2011) Youth who make the future. openDemocracy, September 23.

(2009) Billur Bir Avizedir İstanbul Lisesinde Zaman: Belgeleriyle 125 Yıl [Ein kristallener Leuchter ist die Zeit am Istanbul Lisesi]. Istanbul: IELEV (with L. Deniz & I. Buyukkal).